One history, many passions.
Nature Experience is a French-speaking tour operator based in Quito since 2004. We specialize in naturalist travel and scientific tourism.
The agency was founded by Xavier Amigo, a French Catalan and great nature lover who, having lived in Ecuador for almost 30 years, has criss-crossed the four corners of the South American continent, particularly the Neotropical Andes. As the agency expanded, it became increasingly structured. Dorian Noel and Pierre Ferron in turn became partners and accomplices in the growth of Nature Experience. The agency now boasts a multidisciplinary, multilingual team of 15 people.
America, Terra biodiversa
Nature knows no borders. These biota are a constant reminder of this. In all of these different biota we’ve explored the trails of South America. From Guajira to Tierra del Fuego, and from the Chocó to the Atlantic forests, our quest has taken us to the continent’s best observation and nature photography spots, in nature that fascinates us, inspires us, transports us and makes us forget our own limits. Our aim is to offer you unique journeys, unique encounters and indelible experiences.
Specializing in the observation of flora and fauna, Nature Experience aims to share its passion by offering visitors the very best of the region’s diverse natural environments. In the equinoctial lands of Ecuador, the magical cloud forests of the Chocó-montaña bio-region will open their doors to us to enjoy sightings of rare and isolated species, such as the spectacled bear, the mountain toucan and the rare cloud olinguito. Stroll along the golden beaches of Bartolomé, in the Galapagos archipelago, where Galapagos penguins share a space with marine iguanas and sea lions. Meeting conservationists in the heart of Brazil’s Atlantic forests will also be on the agenda. Or perhaps you’d prefer to go in search of glass frogs and coral snakes in the tropical forests of Colombia’s central cordillera. Or we could explore the bamboo forests of Manu National Park, deep in the Peruvian Amazon, and meet passionate scientists. Between the steppes of Patagonia and the Chilean Andes, the Massif del Paine combines majestic landscapes with photographs of the puma. Further south, almost at the end of the world, we explore the Beagle Channel in search of large colonies of Papuan penguins and the rare Macaroni Penguin.
All our trips are dedicated to natural encounters, observation and understanding of these rich and unique environments. We have found the best observation sites for you, often little-known to the general public, so that you can experience intact and rich ecosystems.
Our team is made up of multilingual professionals (Spanish, French, English, German, Catalan, etc.) who are passionate and experienced in each field. They’ll use their experience, knowledge and patience to make sure you don’t miss a moment of these natural immersions. All our itineraries have been designed with our skills, knowledge and, above all, our love of nature in mind. Our aim is to bring together people interested in discovering the natural history of these regions, to share our passion with them and to help them discover these little-known countries.
We include in our itineraries visits to scientific stations, meetings with key players in conservation and other participatory experiences, so that each participant can take part in concrete actions and better understand what is at stake in all this important work.
Our rare and original trips aren’t just for scientists or high-level professionals. We also design our itineraries for small groups of novices, families, students and any individual or group wishing to take a journey of knowledge in our company. We’ll take care of everything, so all you have to do is join us with a healthy dose of curiosity.
Evolution of the agency
Since 2004, Nature Experience has continued to grow, mature, improve and, ultimately, evolve, as it replicates the very essence of the nature that surrounds it. During this time, our representation has also evolved. Continuously adapting to new trends and tastes, we have sought to gradually perfect our image and adapt it to modern technical means, while maintaining a closeness to what we love to do: staying close to people and nature.
Evolution of agency logos
Diversifying our offering
As the expertise and experience of our work improves and expands throughout the region, we have, in parallel, created new reference brands, beyond the borders of Ecuador and the Galapagos archipelago, to offer our experience in Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and most recently on the white continent, Antarctica. And more destinations to come!
To cover in a more transparent way all these new offers of exceptional tourist destination Ecuador Experience, becomes officially since the end of 2015, Nature Experience, accompanied by its new image.
Several brands, a single entity
Ecuador Experience, Birding Experience, Colombia Experience, Peru Experience and Brazil Experience thus become representative brands of our new Nature Experience structure, in order to enhance our tourism services specializing in naturalist and scientific travel in the neotropics. Most recently, Birding Experience was created to represent birdwatching trips. Diving Experience, for scuba diving trips, Botanica Experience, of course, takes care of botanical tours, while Fixing Experience focuses on technical, logistical and scientific support for audiovisual entities wishing to develop projects in Ecuador for television and film.
Transportation services
Indispensable and inseparable from our business, transport services are another facet of our work. Aware of the need to meet our legal obligations in the face of new national legislation, we have set up a new transport company linked to our travel agency. Toucan Express, a subsidiary of Nature Experience, offers professional transport services.